Barbara Borden
Drumkit, Djembe, Dundun, Ceremonial Drums
If you’ve always wanted to play drums or improve your drumming and rhythmic skills, the time is NOW! Take the leap into the vibrant world of drumming with Barbara Borden, acclaimed and beloved teacher.
“After only a few minutes of drumming with her, Barbara knew me, knew what I needed and how to give it to me. I practice almost every day because she inspires me and believes in the power of drumming. She is helping me become a better chiropractor and teacher. Her mastery pours through her into the drum and into her students, no matter what level they are at.”
~ Rebecca Nystrom, D.C.
Learn to:
• Develop your drumming skills
• Hear and feel the pulse and rhythms
• Strengthen your ability to listen and respond
• Release and express your emotions as you drum
• Use drumming to tap into your own joy and vitality
Choose from:
Private Lessons (one-on-one in person or online)
Drumming Groups (6 –12 students in person only)
Private & Group Drumming Combo (in person only)
Workshops/Retreats (local, national and international)
To begin your drumming journey, please fill out this short Registration Form. Barbara will contact you to see how she can best help you achieve your drumming and musical goals.
“Barbara moves you right from the start. Her approach to drumming is down-to-earth, organic, you-can-do-it, safe and electrifying. She is a joy to work with — spontaneous, intelligent, creative and one hundred percent present. I can’t recommend her highly enough.”
~ China Galland, Author & Speaker